File My 2024 Tax Returns

Yes, you can have us prepare and file your 2024 business and personal tax returns.


Thanks for trusting us when it comes to your tax returns.

Please watch the video for a quick rundown of what to expect for tax season.

Video Poster Image

Tax Returns We Do



Non Profit Postcards ONLY (990Ns)

X Tax Returns We Do NOT Do X

Trusts, Estates X

International X

Non Profit 990s or 990EZs X

How Much Do You Charge To File My Tax Returns?

That's a buying question if I've ever heard one ;) Get an estimate in 30 seconds below.

2024 Tax Return Price Calculator

Just enter the number of returns you need for each type below, and we'll calculate an estimated total for you at the bottom.
Business Returns (S-Corps, C-Corps, Partnerships)
$1,500 each
How many business tax returns do you need prepared?
Individual Returns (1040s)
$600 each
How many personal tax returns (Form 1040) do you need?
Schedule C (Single-member LLC or 1099 Income)
$400 each
How many Schedule C businesses do you have?
Rental Properties
$400 per Schedule E page (up to 3 properties per page)
How many rental properties do you have in total?
Estimated Total: $0
This is an initial estimate based on the information provided. Final pricing may vary based on actual returns, complexity, and additional documents needed.

The Tax Team People Love

JT Pells, CPA

"9/9 On The Immaculate Grid"

-pimped a home run in his final college at bat

-on a mission to surf all four oceans

-knows Salsa, Bachata, and the Soulja Boy

Drew Pells,



"Han shot first"

-semifinalist at China Int'l Comedy Festival 2017

-will visit all six Disneylands in his life

-finishes a Rubik's Cube in 90 seconds, amongst other things

Gelli Sumague,

Staff Accountant

(picture coming soon)